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ThiscoincelebratesthefictionalBritishSecretServiceagentJamesBond,alsoknownas007.Createdbyauthor Ian Fleming in 1953, Producers Albert R. ‘Cubby’ Broccoli and Harry Saltzman brought Bond to cinema screens for the first time in 1962 with Dr. No.Morethan50yearslaterJamesBondcontinuestoentertainandexciteaudiencesaroundtheworldinone of the longest running andsuccessful filmfranchises.James Bond is one of a handful of elite agents with a ‘licence to kill’, denoted by a code name beginning with ‘00’. The 007 gun logo was designed by Joseph Caroff under Creative Director David Chasmanof United Artists. Together with the franchise’s signature opening sequence, which portrays Bond at the centre of a stylised gun barrel at the beginning of every film, the 007 gun logo has become synonymous with the character.Struck byThe Perth Mint from 1/4ozof 99.99% pure gold, the coin is issued as legal tender under the authority of the Government of Tuvalu.No more than 1,000 of the 007 James Bond2020 1/4oz GoldProofCoinwill be released.DESIGN The coin’s reverse portrays the iconic Bond 007 gun logo at the centre of a gun barrel. The obverse of the coin bears the Ian-Rank Broadley effigy of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the 2020-year date, weight and purity, and monetary denomination.